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7 Tips to Help Keep You Sane During Quarantine

I'm coming to you from my office and if I'm being honest, I'm in a weird headspace. I think a lot of it has to do with going stir-crazy from #quarantine. I know I'm not the only one who is feeling this way.

First of all how are you holding up? I know that this time is scary and uncertain. We're not really sure what happens next.

I miss my normal schedule. I miss my routine. I miss getting up and going to work. I don't like this new norm right now. I know this is effecting all of us in some way whether you're now working from home, you've been laid off, you're homeschooling your children or any variety of scenarios. Keeping a journal right now might be interesting to look back on someday.

If you have anxiety, I want you to know you're not alone. I don't do well when my routine is thrown off and that's really been rough for me. There has been tears, moments of overwhelm, a little bit of panic and just wanting to throw a temper tantrum! I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Today I want to share with you 7 things that are helping me during Covid-19 Crazy Town.

  1. Mindfulness: I have been making sure I'm aware of how I'm feeling throughout the day of trying to juggle tasks. When I feel that overwhelm, I put my hand on my chest and I just breathe. I do some calming breaths to calm my thoughts and allow myself to ground back into the present and the things I can control.

  2. Daily Devotional: I'm currently reading It's All Under Control by Jennifer Dukes Lee. The book is awesome. It's perfect if you have a hard time not being in control like right now! It's a great book and paired with the devotional it's helping me let go. Sometimes the best thing to do is just surrender.

  3. Walking in the Sunshine: I've been taking my dog for a walk at least two times a day. It helps us get out of the house, get some sun and take a break.

  4. Listening to my body: If my body is saying me to that I need to stop and take a break, I'm trying to listen. I took a nap the other day and it helped me feel so much more calm and ready to take on the next part of my day.

  5. Accepting Things: Yes, that's really hard. Especially when you're a control freak. Go back to number two and get that book! We can't do anything about this. As hard as this may be, we cannot change anything. I'm accepting it as it is. Somedays, I have to accept it more than once. I accept it then I get stressed, overwhelmed, really upset, and then I have to reaccept it. I'm choosing to accept it and make the most of this time.

  6. Music: Listening to all the music. I love all music. Lately I've been listening to worship music. Surfaces is a great group to work to.

  7. Elevating my Current Self: I'm taking this opportunity of extra time to work on me. I've signed up for a trauma based counseling certification so I can better serve my students and clients. I have signed up for the Science of Wellbeing course. I'm trying to find things that I can do that are productive and allow myself to continue growing, changing and elevating to become the best version of me.

I hope these 7 tips give you idea you might try! What are you doing right now that's keeping you sane?

Until Next Time,

Much Love,

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